How to best get through the gatekeeper on a sales call


A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to another person, often through a phone call or appointment request. In the context of sales, a gatekeeper might be a receptionist, assistant, or other staff member who is responsible for screening incoming calls and directing them to the appropriate person within an organization.

Here are some tips for getting through a gatekeeper on a sales call:

  1. Be polite and professional: It’s important to remember that the gatekeeper is just doing their job, so it’s important to treat them with respect and professionalism. This means using a friendly and courteous tone, and being patient and understanding if they are unable to put you through to the person you are trying to reach.
  2. Clearly identify yourself and your purpose: When you reach a gatekeeper, be sure to clearly and concisely state your name, the name of your organization, and the reason for your call. This will help the gatekeeper understand who you are and why you are calling, and will make it easier for them to decide whether or not to put you through.
  3. Provide relevant information: If the gatekeeper asks for more information about your call, be prepared to provide it. This might include details about the product or service you are offering, or any relevant experience or expertise that you have.
  4. Ask to schedule a call or meeting: If the gatekeeper is unable to put you through to the person you are trying to reach, try to schedule a call or meeting for a later time. Be sure to provide the gatekeeper with your contact information and a convenient time for the call, and ask if they can pass this information along to the person you are trying to reach.
  5. Follow up: If you are unable to schedule a call or meeting with the person you are trying to reach, consider following up with the gatekeeper at a later time. This will show that you are persistent and determined to connect with the person, and may increase your chances of getting through.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting through a gatekeeper and connecting with the person you are trying to reach. Remember, the key is to be polite, professional, and clear about your purpose, and to be persistent and determined in your efforts to reach the person.